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  • Application for an ECO Flexible Eligibility Declaration (Route 1 & 2)

    This form is to certify that the applicant meets the ECO4 Flexible Eligibility Criteria outlined in Sheffield City Council's Statement of Intent (available on the SCC website) and that they are eligible for funding to support the installation of energy saving measures to their property.

    Note: being eligible is not a guarantee that measures will be installed. A final decision on whether any individual household can benefit under this strand of ECO will be made by the obligated suppliers.

    The form should be signed and dated by the householder ONLY. Applicant's Details:

  • Household annual income
    Please provide the total income for all members of the household (aged 18 years+). This needs to bethe gross income (before tax and National Insurance deductions) and it includes income fromemployment, self-employment, state benefits, tax credits, state pension, investment income, privatepensions, and annuities.

    Total income for all members of the household:

  • Image-14

  • Health conditions, additional heating needs and other support
    Please tick all the following criteria that applies to your household

  • Evidence required

    You will need to provide relevant evidence for the eligibility options selected above. The evidencerequired is listed below; please tick all options that relate to your application. Please note, incomeevidence will need to be provided for all members of the household aged 18 years+ and all evidencewill need to display your address so that we can link it back to your application

  • Clear

  • Image-24

  • Should be Empty: